
Szerző: Barna József

2000. december 17. 18:41

3dfx poll

Now that a company which was the pioneer in bringing real-time hardware accelerated 3D graphics to our PCs is about to leave the market for good, we thought it fit to launch a poll session. It is meant to be a general and international survey of how many people would be willing to contribute to securing further operation of the company. So we would be grateful to you if you could help us in our pursuit. Our question is:

Now that a company which was the pioneer in bringing real-time hardware accelerated 3D graphics to our PCs is about to leave the market for good, we thought it fit to launch a poll session. It is meant to be a general and international survey of how many people would be willing to contribute to securing further operation of the company. So we would be grateful to you if you could help us in our pursuit. Our question is:

Would you be willing to give 10 bucks to save 3dfx from ruin?

The poll results will be seen in the left-hand column of the page.

Thank you.

Milyen technológiai és munkaerőpiaci hatások érhetik a backendes szakmát? Május 8-án végre elindul az idei kraftie! meetup-sorozat is (helyszíni vagy online részvétellel).

a címlapról


Security témákkal folyatódik az AWS hazai online meetup-sorozata!

2024. április 27. 01:28

A sorozat május 28-i, harmadik állomásán az AWS-ben biztonsági megoldásait vesszük nagyító alá. Átnézzük a teljes AWS security portfóliót a konténerbiztonságtól a gépi tanulásos alkalmazások védelmén át, egészen az incidenskezelésig.